Sunday 8 February 2009

“Architecture is the most unequivocal of all the arts. It imposes a quasi – permanent change on the fabric of the world. It uses real people and their lives as “material” to be processed by the artist. And its audience is there by obligation more often than by choice. In no other art is the imagination so frankly on trial”.
Richard Rogers Biography, by Bryan Appleyard.

Since my last post I have been busy working hard on the design and form of the building, through the process of models. I have stepped away from my sketch book, or as my lecturer would put it; out of my comfort zone. Designing through model making has been an exciting process and one that allows a different throught process to be evoked.

With each model I have tried to explore and develop on from my previous thinking. My main exploration has been with light and analysing how this is transferred through to the main public and performance space at ground floor level.

I have attached below some of my modelling images, and I have sneaked in a few hand sketches too.

Upon reviewing my modelling work, that whilst not a driving concept it has become clear that I have developed a strong desire to bring movement into and through the building. Whether these are internal or external spaces the movement of people through the space created has become key.

Sunday 4 January 2009

I have attached below some of my latest modelling experiments...

Innovation exists;

“You just have to accept that today innovation is impossible on your own. Real, significant innovation occurs when several people simultaneously have the same idea and move in the same direction, following subliminally emitted and received signals the contemporary inclination to see innovation as an inherently collaborative effort a communal growing and groping towards the new, appears to find confirmation throughout history, from the renaissance, to Picasso and Braque, to the radical architecture groups of the 1960s and 1970s. So we experiment by working with others, including other architects.
What have we got to lose?
Instead of being afraid of losing our identity, perhaps we should be glad. Let’s liberate ourselves from our brands….”

UN Studio, Architecture Urbanism, Infrastructure. Ben Van Berkel, Caroline Bos.

Saturday 27 December 2008

Christmas Break

Since my last post a lot of my time has been spent researching, model making and burring my head into my sketch book. I have especially looked in greater detail at the brief and programme schedule required by this building and how this effects my original concept design.
Below are just some of my “thinking sketches” coupled with some earlier sketches. Following on from an informal crit with a project architect at the office (Napper Architects), I have been looking to the combination of the two.
I have already made models (pictures to be posted) and in the following days I will be modelling the ideas examined from this combination.

Two projects I have been looking at over these holidays are Cedric Price’s Fun Palace and Archigram’s walking City, more on these to projects to be published.

The final image attached is a 3d model of the proposed site with the existing buildings demolished and the Bigg Market shown as one great public space. I tend to keep working in my sketch book till the 11th hour and then put everything on computer, but I have modelled the site to look at the shadow play from the surrounding buildings and especially the spire from the Cathedral.

Below I have attached two concept sketches, the value of these was to look at how the light filtered through to the ground floor level, and how the building will work with in the existing context... A valuable experience all in all, over the next few days I'll be working in the workshop producing a model showing my lastest thinking, and hopefully somwhere close to a final design, where I can knuckle down with the detail.

Tuesday 18 November 2008

Review 3

Model making begins…

Leaving the sketch pad in the drawer I decided to have a few weeks of fun, get the paints out (never painted before) and model making “bits and bobs”…
Above, two A3 sheets of concept design images shown at review... A different method of process has resulted in exploring new forms and types of design.

Where to go from here...

To express, represent and stimulate the values of a society constructed as an open source system. A portal to a world that showcases technology and produces a learning platform fused with social interaction.

This “building” is envisioned as a vibrant hub connecting and learning through the cities evolving environment.

My 50 mission statement, this is essentially a working document that develops with the design process.

Approaching the brief…

This is my main focus, whilst my concept largely relates to the site and its city context the brief/programme will develop the architecture and enable myself to design and develop the “spaces”. I can start to look at what each individual space is actually doing.

Originally I had developed a process of
Information In – Information Out.
I basically dissected how the information would come into the building and ultimately how it would leave.

For example;

INFORMATION IN – exhibition – process- research – develop – create – evaluation – exhibition…

From this I aim to break down each element and develop a series of spaces and connections that will be required.

Review 2

More Concept design...

Following on from review 1 and the comments recieved back I have been busy working away in my sketch book looking deeper at aspects such as;

Urban Design Issues i.e. what the city demands from this building...

What this building will give back to the city...

I analysed and researched these ideas through sketching, see below.

Feedback from the review;

I was encouraged to start to model my ideas, begin to develop my initial concept design.

Wednesday 22 October 2008

Review 1

Concept design begins…
The process of sketching, model making and creative thinking will contribute to a framework of ideas that will be the basis of my final design.
I have uploaded various images from my sketch book and pictures from a concept model.

This model, made from papier-mâché starts to develop the idea that the proposed design will consist by layers of information appealing to the various users and will not just be restricted to the defined site boundary but will connect and learn through the city…

No one is quite sure how to define a culture of innovation, but they know it when they see it and potential users, universities, colleges, business individuals want to take part and develop it. Information technology has been said to develop and network societies capable of creating unprecedented cultural and economic wealth.
With the wireless world and technology such as the ipod and Nintendo WII revolutionizing the way we coexist, the phenomena will only expand and what better vehicle than that of “public space” for distributing it whether via face to face discussion in a café or through digital art showcased via our movement paths.

Sunday 5 October 2008


Precedent study

As part of the development of this project I am analysing various building types both built and conceptual;
POMPIDOU CENTRE: Since opening in 1977 it has become the most visited building in Europe and continues to attract some several million visitors a year, more than the Eiffel tower and Louvre combined. Lord Rogers refers to the building as a place for all people, the young and the old, the poor and the rich, all creeds and nationalities - a cross between New York Times Square and London’s British Museum, the great public space to the front has been described as a university of the street with a constant flow of people moving, gathering and entering the space. Street performers make this a destination in its own right. The actual building is a live flexible dynamic communication machine, hosting facilities such as; A Museum of Modern Art, A Reference Library, Centre for Industrial Design, Centre for Acoustic and Music Research, Office administration areas, Book Shop, Restaurant Cinemas.
THE IDEA STORE: Nominated for the Stirling Prize 2006, The Idea Store, Whitechapel, London is the flagship building of a programme based on a new type of information and learning provision being pioneered by the London Borough of Tower Hamlets. Information display is a key element of the facade concept and reinforces the idea of the building as a hub of information.