Since my last post a lot of my time has been spent researching, model making and burring my head into my sketch book. I have especially looked in greater detail at the brief and programme schedule required by this building and how this effects my original concept design.
Below are just some of my “thinking sketches” coupled with some earlier sketches. Following on from an informal crit with a project architect at the office (Napper Architects), I have been looking to the combination of the two.
I have already made models (pictures to be posted) and in the following days I will be modelling the ideas examined from this combination.Two projects I have been looking at over these holidays are Cedric Price’s Fun Palace and Archigram’s walking City, more on these to projects to be published.

The final image attached is a 3d model of the proposed site with the existing buildings demolished and the Bigg Market shown as one great public space. I tend to keep working in my sketch book till the 11th hour and then put everything on computer, but I have modelled the site to look at the shadow play from the surrounding buildings and especially the spire from the Cathedral.
Below I have attached two concept sketches, the value of these was to look at how the light filtered through to the ground floor level, and how the building will work with in the existing context... A valuable experience all in all, over the next few days I'll be working in the workshop producing a model showing my lastest thinking, and hopefully somwhere close to a final design, where I can knuckle down with the detail.